By the Light of a

white triple moon with a black elven star in the center

Silver Moon

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Personal Shield Ritual

This spell creates a shield to keep any nasty energy from your space. It might not protect against anything being sent at you, i.e. curses, but it will protect you against the nastiness people who aren't energy trained (and some who are...) like to throw around unthinkingly. It works by catching the nastiness then grounding it into the earth where it gets transmuted into healthy energy. It is loosely biased off of circle casting and the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram. Finally while I now do this with a wand I have done this with just my hand.

Note: Quotations indicate lines to speak and notes will be in parentheses.

1. Stand up (I'm not sure how well this will work sitting but if it works for you go for it)

2. Say "This is me" while holding your right hand/wand over your breast (I'm right handed but if you're left handed then feel free to use that hand instead)

3. Move that hand down pointing to your feet and say "These are my feet" Visualize your grounding cord bringing energy up your feet.

4. Move hand up to your head pointing skyward and say "This is my head" Visualize your (skying?) cord bringing energy down through your head.

5. Bring hand back down to chest then move your hand out Infront of you and say "this is the boundary of my space." Visualize the earth and sky energy flowing out from you (don't use your own energies for shields.) and into a shield Infront of you (if you want to you can draw a pentagram or other symbol here)

6. Keep hand stretched make a quarter turn then repeat by bringing hand back to chest then pushing out and saying "This is the boundary of my space"

7. Do this two more times making a quarter turn each time until you face your original direction. Bring hand back in for the last time then bow.

8. Next point your hand back down to the earth and say "I ask the energy of Earth to come and fill this space."

9. Pause a moment then point your hand back up to the sky and say "I ask the energy of Sky to come and fill this space."

10. Wait a few moments until the space feels full enough (if you're not good at sensing energy it generally takes me 3-4 slow breaths to feel full). Bow deeply (you can say thank you in addition to or instead of bowing)

Removing the Shield

I find this shield fades away on its own after a day or so but if you do want to remove it for whatever reason then simply ground the energies back into Earth and Sky.