Crecent Moon

By the Light of a Silver Moon

Poetry to Danu

My poetry to my Lady, Danu. All rewritten poems have a link to the orginal work

Danu calls me
and like the bird to their roost
or the river to the ocean
or the wanderer who's found their way home
I run to Her and kneel before Her altar
For I am called to be Her handmaiden
And truly what else is better
than to kneel before My Queen
She who has blessed me a thousand times over

The Cosmos is of Danu for it is made by Danu
And You, O most holy Queen, reign over it forever.
You are clothed with glory and beauty:
The brightness of the sun adorns Your breast:
Shining symbol of Your fierce heart;
The beauty of the moon sits as Your crown:
Ruling over the ebb and flow of all Life;
Be mindful of us, Great Mother and Queen,
Grant us Your divine mercy:
And walk beside us forevermore.

Hail Danu, Great Mother of All
You who are found
in the seas below us
in the skys above us
in the love within us
Bless us this day and always

I see Her in the sunshine
and dancing in the rain
I hear Her voice in the tides
crashing along the shore
Her laughter in birdsong
Her majesty in the stars
And Her love within me
though She seems so far

I walk with my Lady
Under trees so green
I walk with my Lady
And my heart is free
She holds my soul
I’m finally whole

I praise you, oh Lady of the Waters
Ever changing - always the same
Holy Danu, Queen of waters
And most holy Mother of all
Shelter your lost children I pray,
Guide us back to you once more

Oh Lady my Lady
In You I find my strength
Oh Lady my Lady
In You I find my peace
Oh Lady my Lady
In You I find my truth
I am born of Your love

O Danu
You who are more beautiful than the flowers.
Yes, even the rose bows to Your beauty
You who stand stronger than the oak,
Yet more graceful than the willow.
You whose brilliance outshines the Sun.
Yes, even the light of day pales before You.
More mysterious than the moon
And vaster than the starry skies,
My Lady, You are found in all things good
And yet You are greater still.

Oh Holy Mother and Queen
I kneel before you
during these troubled times
And ask that You bring healing
for those who are ill
that You bring hope
That soon we'll know better days
Ask that You bring peace
both for those who have left
and those left behind

My Lady's love is the rain
and my soul a summer day
dust dry under a too hot sun
The cleansing rain falls
allowing my soul to bloom
beautiful in Her eyes

I walk in the Forest
Home of my Heart
The song of birds
the scent of earth
The feel of life all around
I walk in the Forest
My Lady walks with me
And Her love is all around

I walk in the Forest
But fires burned my home
The birds are gone
only the scent of ash
and death is all around
I walk in the Forest
and though I may despair
My Lady's still beside me
And the promise of life's in the air

I walk in the Forest
Where life begins again
the Trees have sprouted
Seeds safe from even fire's wrath
The birds not yet returned
Yet the song of frogs fills their place
I walk in the Forest
I thank my Lady for this blessing
As Her laughter fills the air

Based off Marian Psalms 13 and 34

A foolish enemy has said in their heart,
"I will follow after and take them and my hand shall slay them."
Arise and shelter, O Danu, Your child from their rancor:
Let Your power, mightier than the storm, stay their hand
And let Your love, sweet as spring water, wash away their hate
So that they will never again seek to harm or hinder me.

For my soul rejoices in Your presence
and You are the center and foundation of my life
Wherever I may walk: the sweet waters of Your love refreshes me.
Therefore I kneel before You, O Holy Mother and Queen
For it is by Your gentle touch my heart is healed
And by Your rose-sweet fragrance my soul is revived,
so that I may rest in the shelter of Your merciful love

Written for Pride Month and based off Deliver Me From My Enemy

It is Pride, a time of great joy and sorrow and anger
to all who fly the rainbow flag
Arise and shelter, O Danu,
Your queer children from those who wish us harm:
let Your power, mightier than the storm,
stay the hand of all who hate us,
and let Your love, sweet as spring water,
wash away their loathing
so that they will never again seek to harm us
or hinder us from living and loving freely

And until that blessed day give us the strengh to fight for our lives
Beloved ones and sanctuaries so that we may heal
and remember the joy of being Your blessed children
Let those who must hide stay hidden in Your mantle
and let Your scorn fall to all, both within and without,
who force them to out themselves before their time
Or seek to gatekeep and limit those who they view as lesser
For mighty is Your Power and bountiful is Your Mercy
For all who call upon You in love.

Based off Marian Psalms 9 and 11

I will praise You, O Danu, with my whole heart:
And I will speak of Your love and glory.
For You are due praise and thanksgiving,
O Great Danu, Fount of healing peace and mercy.
May we find protection under your mantel,
Healing for the scars of our souls.
And guidence on the path You set before us
For beautiful are Your ways: and You paths are peaceful.
From You flows the beauty of faith,
the light of hope, and the splendor of love.

Based off Marian Psalms 4 and 11

I call Your Name for you hear me, O Danu
and, from Your throne, You listen to Your children's prayers.
Save us, O Danu, Gentle Mother and Mighty Queen;
You whose robes are like the waters reflecting the heavens
and adorned with the ever-changing moon as a crown;
who travel throughout all of Your creation
so that You may help those that call You.
with Your loving hands which will deliver us from anger and fear.
For Your mercy is gracious and your hands ever open:
towards all who invoke Your holy name.

Based off Marian Psalm 76

With my voice I cried to Danu: and by Her grace
she has taken sorrow and grief from my heart
And has soothed my heart with the waters of Her mercy.
She has turned my fear into confidence,
and, by Her ever-flowing aspect, She has calmed my mind.
Under Her holy guidance I have avoided despair,
and I have escaped
the cruel hand of ignorance.
Thanks be to Danu, my gentle Lady for Her mercy

Based off Marian Psalm 85

Incline Your ear, O Danu, and hear me:
Turn Your face to me, and allow me to bask in Your love.
Your sweetness delights the souls of Your children:
The resplendence of Your glory enlightens the mind:
and the light of Your mercies guides us on Your path.
The fountain of Your goodness refreshes the thirsty:
and Your countenance draws all away from cruelty.
To know You is the root of immortality:
and to love You is the way to liberation.

Based off the Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente and others.

Listen to the words of the Great Lady,
She who's known by many names
Yet whose true Name has never been spoken on this earth

"I am the Creator and Queen of all,
from the rich earth to the blazing sun.
From the crashing sea to the shining moon
and the distant stars, whose number is known only to Me,
and all the mysteries you have yet to imagine.

I call upon My children to walk beside Me:
For I am the Divine Spark from which everything begins,
the Deepest Shadow where everything returns,
and the One who is ever beside you.

Let My Love pour freely from the hearts of My children,
for it is Love that will heal you and light your way home."

Based off Psalm 23

With You, Great Mother, there is nothing I lack
For my soul knows the sweetness of Your love
Even when I walk in the valley of despair
I will choose courage over fear: love over hate
For You are with me
Your hand & Your voice
Comfort and inspire me
You guide me as I walk this path
For I walk with You once more
Surely Your wisdom & mercy will bless me
All of my lives on this earth
For I am united with You once more

Based off the Litany of Loreto

Lady, be with us
Lady Danu be ever with us

Danu Great Mother of All
walk with us
Danu, Queen of the cosmos,
walk with us
Danu the Holy Mystery,
walk with us.
Holy Lady, Many yet One,
walk with us.

Holy Mother of Earth,
walk with us
Holy Mother of Heaven
walk with us
Mother of divine grace,
walk with us
Mother most loving,
walk with us
Mother most gentle,
walk with us.
Mother most generous,
walk with us

Lady most prudent,
walk with us
Lady most venerable,
walk with us
Lady most renowned,
walk with us
Lady most powerful,
walk with us
Lady most merciful,
walk with us
Lady most faithful,
walk with us.

Queen of air,
walk with us.
Queen of earth,
walk with us.
Queen of fire,
walk with us.
Queen of water,
walk with us.
Queen of all beings
walk with us.

Scales of justice,
walk with us.
Serpent of wisdom,
walk with us
Mystical rose,
walk with us
Dove of peace,
walk with us.
Morning star,
walk with us.
Refuge from the storm,
walk with us.
Light in the dark,
walk with us.

Source of joy,
walk with us
Source of inspiration,
walk with us.
Source of honor,
walk with us
Source of hope
walk with us.
Source of faith
walk with us.
Source of Love
walk with us

Great Danu, Great Mother and Holy Queen
We ask for Your Protection,
from all who would harm us
We ask for Your Mercy,
that we may find healing from all pain and fear
We ask for Your Wisdom,
so that we may grow wise to Your ways
and We ask for Your Love,
that great light that guides us back to You
May you walk with us on this day and always.

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