By the Light of a

white triple moon with a black elven star in the center

Silver Moon

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Litany to Danu

Based off the Litany of Loreto.

Lady, be with us
Lady Danu be ever with us

Danu Great Mother of All
walk with us
Danu, Queen of the cosmos,
walk with us
Danu the Holy Mystery,
walk with us.
Holy Lady, Many yet One,
walk with us.

Holy Mother of Earth,
walk with us
Holy Mother of Heaven
walk with us
Mother of divine grace,
walk with us
Mother most loving,
walk with us
Mother most gentle,
walk with us.
Mother most generous,
walk with us

Lady most prudent,
walk with us
Lady most venerable,
walk with us
Lady most renowned,
walk with us
Lady most powerful,
walk with us
Lady most merciful,
walk with us
Lady most faithful,
walk with us.

Queen of air,
walk with us.
Queen of earth,
walk with us.
Queen of fire,
walk with us.
Queen of water,
walk with us.
Queen of all beings
walk with us.

Scales of justice,
walk with us.
Serpent of wisdom,
walk with us
Mystical rose,
walk with us
Dove of peace,
walk with us.
Morning star,
walk with us.
Refuge from the storm,
walk with us.
Light in the dark,
walk with us.

Source of joy,
walk with us
Source of inspiration,
walk with us.
Source of honor,
walk with us
Source of hope
walk with us.
Source of faith
walk with us.
Source of Love
walk with us

Great Danu, Great Mother and Holy Queen
We ask for Your Protection,
from all who would harm us
We ask for Your Mercy,
that we may find healing from all pain and fear
We ask for Your Wisdom,
so that we may grow wise to Your ways
and We ask for Your Love,
that great light that guides us back to You
May you walk with us on this day and always.
