Crecent Moon

By the Light of a Silver Moon


I made this site as a shelter from the clusterfuck that is modern social media, to practice coding, and to have a space to share my works. I hope you enjoy.

Before You Interact

I am well aware I cannot keep people I don't want to interact with from finding/reading my site or socials but I can and will block anyone who actually breaks these boundaries or who's site/social media sites makes me think they might. I don't expect you to read this but please note ignorance isn't gonna protect you from the block/report button.

  1. I'm an intersectional feminist who has 0 tolerance for radical feminists, traditional femininity/anti-feminists, and anything else that smacks of bigotry towards any class of people. I also don't tolerate people arguing about how they aren't being bigots... so don't even bother trying.

  2. I'm a genderqueer person who uses she/her and they/them. Knowingly using any other pronouns or any comments about my AGAB will get you blocked.

  3. I have no patience for Witch wars, "you're not practicing correctly", or other such bullshit. Also I have people I trust to check my UPG... internet randos aren't on that list. If you wish to fact check or safety check anything I post I expect a link (not a screencap) as evidence. Any fact/safety checking without such a link or if I and the aforementioned people decide your link is insufficient that's an block. I don't mind being proven wrong but I'll be dammed if I deal with someone trying to spread misinformation.

  4. If I find my writing on any site with or without a link back I will be reporting you. With that said I don't mind you using my code in part or in whole.


This site is 18+

If you have a trigger then assume I'm discussing it somewhere on my site and proceed accordingly.

I do not post flashing images or video. However, external links may have them.

This site should work on most devices and browsers but looks best on Firefox on your computer.

Site Button

Silver Moon Button

Please download this button yourself.

Do not hotlink.

Do not download
if your site is primarly for minors.