Crecent Moon

By the Light of a Silver Moon

Crecent Moon


Name: Tallulah
Age: ... I'm a Millennial
Pronouns: She/They
Dreamwidth: tallulahofdanu back-up site
Fandom Site: Coming Soon!

I'm a waterspirt-kin and an alien-kin with past life memories. I was a handmaiden to my Lady in the life I remember best although I do have other lives I vaugely remember.

For this and many other reasons, I continue to serve my Lady whom my people view as the Great Mother and Queen of All. I don't remember the name we used for Her so She has requested I call her Danu. As such UPG plays a large roll but there's also influences from Celtic paganism, Christianity, and Filianism. My practice is mostly writing prayers and other devotional poetry for my Lady, but I'm also an energy healer, spirit worker, and tarot reader.

Finally I'm a massive geek. My main fandom is Sailor Moon but I also enjoy manga (esp shoujo), cozy video games, fantasy novels, and many other fandoms besides. In non-fandom geeky interests I'm an avid science nerd, esp biology, and a lover of mythology, folklore, and fairytales. After I'm happy with this site I'll be creating a new site for these interests.



Clipart is from pixabay.
Background image is from sadgirl.
The site was hand coded with help from